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2021 Champions Of Children Conference
Sexual Health Conversations as an Essential Ally in Trauma Treatment

April 13, 2021 - April 14, 2021


The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (CACI) is committed to promoting excellence in Illinois Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) through leadership, education and collaboration; providing training opportunities to strengthen CACs and multi-disciplinary partners, in accordance with the best practices and National Children’s Alliance standards for accreditation, which result in better service to Illinois children and their families.

CACI is excited and proud to bring you the 2021 Champions of Children Conference!  This 2-day, four separate track, virtual experience, brings you nationally renowned experts in the field of child abuse, and is purposefully planned for multidisciplinary members and their specific discipline.   

Continuing Education Credit Information

  • CEUs are ONLY available for live sessions!
  • If you are seeking CEUs for social workers/therapists you will receive a form after the conference to mail into Northern Illinois University requesting those CEUs. Along with that form you will have to mail in a $9 check. 
  • The Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards Board has approved Mandated Training Requirements for the 2021 Champions of Children Conference!  The list of approved sessions can be found here.
  • Attorneys who paid the attorney pricing, their MCLE credits will be sent within two weeks from the close of the conference. Credits will only be given for the live sessions.