Published Works
Chapters in Books
Encyclopedia of Sex and Sexuality
The broad topic of sex—encompassing subjects as varied as sexuality, sexual and gender identity, abortion, and such crimes as sexual assault—is one of the most controversial in American society today. This two-volume encyclopedic set provides readers with more than 450 entries on the subject, offering a comprehensive overview of major sexuality issues in American and global culture.
Doug is featured in the section on Out of Control Sexual Behavior.
Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy
The authors of this chapter offer a comprehensive review of the growing and often contentious literature regarding etiology and treatment and ultimately recommend a non-pathology-based paradigm for assessment and intervention of OCSB. In this chapter they detail an assessment approach that allows for the design of “individualized, ethical, and effective treatment strategies.”
The Sex Issue
Michael Vigorito and Doug Braun-Harvey in conversation with the editors of Goop discuss “sex addiction: what’s behind the label? to introduce their sexual health approach to understanding out of control sexual behavior, how to assess when someone may need help with managing their sexual behavior and understanding what a couple may experience when sexual relationship agreements are not maintained by one or both partners.
The Art of Sex Therapy Supervision
Doug Braun-Harvey highlights how current sex therapy and supervision literature has not conceptualized sex therapy group supervision or differentiated sex therapy supervision in a group setting from existing methods for individual sex therapy supervision. He proposes a conceptual model for Sex Therapy Group Supervision (STGS) that integrates client sexuality and group process within sex therapy supervision groups. Click the link to learn more and/or purchase.
The Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Addiction
Doug Braun-Harvey and Michael Vigorito’s chapter “Out of Control Sexual Behaviour: A Sexual Health Problem overviews their sexual health alternative discourse that challenges the concept of sexual addiction. The chapter discusses their adaption of a dual process model of human behavior to propose a transtheoretical treatment pathway within a client centered therapy process. Click to read more.
Gender and Addictions: Men and Women in Treatment
Gender and Addictions: Men and Women in Treatment,”Outpatient Treatment for Sexual Dependency with Alcoholic and Drug Addicted Men”. Edited by: Lala Straussner, Ph.D. & Elizabeth Zelvin, A.C.S.W., Jason-Aronson, September, 1997.
Journals & Articles
International Journal of Sexual Health
“Caring Adults: A Brief Report Assessing Adults’
Needs in Feeling More Comfortable Having Sexual
Health Conversations with Youth in South Texas” 2019-10.
The Journal of Forensic Practice
“Sexual health principles and the procurement of sexual
services: Evidence of the interface between Sexual Health and Criminal Justice” 2019-02.
The Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society
“Fundamental Principles of Sexual Health for Group Psychotherapists and Their Groups” Volume 33, Number 3, September 2009.
Journal of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
“Integration of Client HIV Status in Sexual Dependency Outpatient Treatment: What is your relationship with HIV?” Volume 8, Number 2.
Sexual and Relationship Therapy
“Culturally Relevant Assessment and Treatment for Gay Men’s Online Sexual Activity”, Volume 18, Number 3, August 2003.
Reviews of Published Works

“A Review of Out of Control Sexual Behavior: Rethinking Sex Addiction”, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 2016.